10 Signs It May be Time to Get Your Hearing Checked

  1. You Find Yourself Saying "what?" or "excuse me?" a lot or asking people to repeat themselves.
  2. You feel like no one speaks clearly anymore.
  3. Friends and Family Members remark that you keep the volume on your TV up very loud.
  4. You can't hear the person in front of you in a restaurant because of the deafening background noise.
  5. People shout at you.
  6. You misinterpret conversations
  7. You find yourself less willing to go out in public or talk on the telephone.
  8. The ringing in your ears never stops
  9. Your boss has indicated your hearing may be affecting your job performance.
  10. You have failed a hearing exam.
Call us today to schedule your hearing test. We can let you know 'where you are' and what can be done about it, (912) 748-9494 or email me, dawn@coastalaudiology.com


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