It's official!

It's official! Later this Spring, we'll be moving to a larger, more visible location. We have been at our current location for over 5 years, but we have outgrown it. Truthfully, we should've moved two years ago, but at that time, we could not find a suitable location. We will still be in Pooler, and just as eay (if not easier) for you to get to.

Over the next few months, we'll be trying to work with the owners to get it ready for us. When it is fully ready, we'll move in. Most likely, we'll be open at one location on Friday and at the new location on Monday, but we will do our best to let everyone know with plenty of advanced warning.

We look forward to this wonderful opportunity to grow Coastal Audiology to new heights. It has been a labor of love for over 5 years and I look forward to many more wonderful years.


  1. This is a great news..Just to let you know that today my new unitron hearing aids have been made fit for use and I must say it all works perfect.


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