Hearing Aid Success IS possible!
By Dr. Dawn MacMillan, Audiologist
Hearing aids are wonderful tools to assist those with
hearing loss! They can make things louder when needed, brighter-sharper-clearer
if that's what is needed. Modern digital hearing aids are based off a
prescription, your hearing test, so your Audiologist can program in precisely
the sounds you need. Instant-fit and over-the-counter (OTC) options cannot do
this as they are typically programmed to a particular hearing loss shape and
configuration. This is bad because it means some sounds you need to hear will
be UNDER-amplified while other sounds are OVER-amplified, leading to
dissatisfaction with the sound quality and for most, poor wearing habits.
To get the most out of your investment, here are five tips
to maximize success with hearing aids:
Learn how your hearing aids work. Spend
some time with your Audiologist, and really learn how hearing aids work. A hearing aid fitting appointment can be a
little bit like drinking water out of a fire hose! A tremendous amount of
information in a relatively short amount of time! While we joke about 'reading
the instructions' all new hearing aid fittings come with an instruction book.
Additionally, your Audiologist can typically print or email a quick reference
guide for the instant, need-to-know high points to get you going immediately
upon fitting. You’ll need to practice wearing your devices in various settings.
For first time users, getting used to the sound of your own voice may be funny
initially. We recommend reading aloud to yourself. As silly as you may feel, it
really does help you get used to how your voice sounds slightly amplified.
Then, continue to follow up with your audiologist to adjust programming as
needed. Additionally, if your devices pair with other wireless devices around
your home, you will need to learn how to connect. While your Audiologist can
walk you through most of these tasks, many hearing aid manufacturers have
direct-to-consumer numbers that operate 24 hours a day and can assist hearing
aid wearers connect devices from home.
2. Care for your hearing aids properly. It
is positively vital to care for your hearing aids properly. Keep them dry in a
dehumidifying case if you perspire a lot or work in a humid or moisture-prone
area. We have a full range of products to combat moisture. If you suspect you
may need something like this, just ask! We want to help you protect your
investment as we know you depend on them. Make sure to keep your wax guards
clear. This is done by wiping your hearing aids down after you remove them for
the day. Use the brush that came with your hearing aids or the complimentary
toothbrush we provide to brush any dead skin and/or wax. Additionally, it is important to keep your
devices in a safe place in order to avoid loss or damage. It’s true -- caring
for your devices properly will lead to hearing aid success.
Keep extra batteries on hand. Make sure
you have what you need on hand in order to maximize the use of your hearing
devices. This will also ensure your overall hearing success. Keep batteries in
a central location in your home, and always keep a new pair on your person so
you can change them as needed. If you wear rechargeable devices, make sure you
place your hearing aids in the charging unit overnight to fully charge them,
allowing you to enjoy a full day's wear. It is important to note that your
hearing aids should not be stored in the charger if the charger is unplugged as
it will deplete your rechargeable batteries.
Track your progress over time. Keep track
of your progress by noting your events and your calendar. Our office provides a
workbook to our patients with exercises you can work through to rate your
progress as you acclimate to your devices. Notate how well you were able to
hear in various situations. It takes time to adjust to new devices, and you
WILL see progress. But, you need to track how your devices are serving you in
order to experience hearing aid success.
Trust the process. Better hearing is a
journey, NOT a destination. Give yourself time. Your hearing will not be
perfect overnight, and that is OKAY! Research indicates it may take up to 6
months for someone to acclimate to hearing devices. That's with daily,
consistent use as prescribed. After you invest in devices, it will take some
time to get used to the devices. And, your brain will need to adjust to the
additional sounds and clarity you take in. We often hear, "we hear with
our brains, not our ears." and there's truth to that. The sound may come
to us by way of our ears but it is our brain that decides what to do with the
sound. Wear your hearing devices more and more, and wear them in a wide array
of situations. Do not get discouraged. Just keep going. And if you find
yourself getting discouraged, please reach out to us so we can work together at
solving the problem.
There you have it! Five tips to hearing aid success.
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