Financial Assistance Resources for Hearing aids

This past weekend, I learned that the Better Hearing Institute has released their "Guide to Financial Assistance with Hearing Aids". I have made this available on our website for you. Follow this link and you can download a FREE copy for yourself:

I have skimmed this guide and it does have a wealth of resources. Without going into great detail, I know that Coastal Audiology participates with the Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation (applications can be found on our website), AUDIENT, and Starkey's HEARNOW program.

Additionally, we don't want price to stand in the way of Better Hearing. We do have programs within our own office that, while they are paying programs, may help you ge the same technology you need and deserve, at a significant savings.

When coming in for a hearing aid evaluation, be up front with us. If cost is your number one concern, please voice that concern so we can find an option that is audiologically appropriate while also keeping your budget in mind.


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