Shaking things up a. Bit...

Several years ago, we tried giving our patients a choice with respect to what services they purchased with their hearing aid purchase. They could purchase the traditional way, or with all their services bundled together, or unbundled, which they purchased just their devices and a few follow-up visits. While the unbundled approach wasn't unpopular, it wasn't exactly popular.
Recently, some well-respected national organizations have gotten behind the movement of unbundling hearing aid purchases to make hearing healthcare more affordable for everyone. This pleases me tremendously since earlier this summer, we began the arduous process of moving to an unbundled only approach to fitting hearing aids as opposed to giving patients the choice.

This is such a foreign concept, but one I feel will ultimately only benefit patients as well as the profession. Patients will pay only for services they use, as they use them, which is fair. Why should someone who comes in 20 times a year pay the same as someone who comes in 4 times a year?

We always welcome feedback and I look forward to hearing what people have to say about this.


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