NoizFree Bluetooth Beetle offers hands-free cell phone use...
I fit premium digital, open-fit, Behind-the-ear ( BTE ) hearing aids on a family member a little over 4 years ago. At the time, her hearing aids were the best technology available and she has done very well with them. She inquired in the beginning of the year if it was time to upgrade her hearing aids. Seeing as how she had chosen premium technology (as recommended) when she was originally fit, they were still working well, her hearing was stable, and she had had no problems with them, I felt upgrading them was not going to give her much better function over what she was currently experiencing, so I advised she hold off for a year or two. I recently was introduced to a device that allows my family member to use her existing hearing aids as a Bluetooth -compatible headset, using her existing hearing aids with a t-coil (also known as a telecoil , or telephone switch). This device is called the NoizFree Bluetooth Beetle. By 'pairing' her cell phone (which is a relatively basic,...